@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import asynchttpserver
# ----- SUPPORT ----- #
import asyncfile # loadtemplate
import strutils # startsWith, endsWith
+import tables
import macros
import times
import json # urlParams
@@ -59,6 +60,37 @@ proc loadtemplate*(name: string, json: JsonNode = %*{}): Future[string] {.async,
readed = await file.readAll()
for key, value in json.pairs:
+ # if statment
+ # e.g.: if $(variable) {......}
+ var if_statment = re("if\\s*(\\$\\(" & key & "\\))\\s*\\{\\s*([\\s\\S]+?)\\s*\\}")
+ if readed.contains(if_statment):
+ var canplace: bool = false
+ case value.kind:
+ of JBool:
+ if value.getBool:
+ canplace = true
+ of JInt:
+ if value.getInt != 0:
+ canplace = true
+ of JFloat:
+ if value.getFloat != 0.0:
+ canplace = true
+ of JString:
+ if value.getStr.len > 0:
+ canplace = true
+ of JArray:
+ if value.len > 0:
+ canplace = true
+ of JObject:
+ if value.getFields.len > 0:
+ canplace = true
+ else: discard
+ if canplace:
+ readed = readed.replacef(if_statment, "$2")
+ else:
+ readed = readed.replacef(if_statment, "")
+ # variable statment
+ # e.g.: $(variable)
readed = readed.replacef(re("(\\$\\s*\\(" & $key & "\\))"), $value)
return readed