@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-# author: Ethosa
-# ----- CORE ----- #
-import asyncdispatch
-import asynchttpserver
-# ----- SUPPORT ----- #
-import asyncfile # loadtemplate
-import strutils # startsWith, endsWith
-import tables
-import macros
-import times
-import json # urlParams
-import uri # decodeUrl
-import os
-import re # regex
-# ----- EXPORT -----
-export asyncdispatch
-export asynchttpserver
-export strutils
-export json
-export uri
-export re
- ServerRef* = ref object
- port*: uint16
- address*: string
- server*: AsyncHttpServer
-var AKANE_DEBUG_MODE*: bool = false ## change it with `newServer proc<#newServer,string,uint16,bool>`_
-proc newServer*(address: string = "",
- port: uint16 = 5000, debug: bool = false): ServerRef =
- ## Creates a new ServerRef object.
- ##
- ## Arguments:
- ## - ``address`` - server address, e.g. ""
- ## - ``port`` - server port, e.g. 5000
- ## - ``debug`` - debug mode
- if not existsDir("templates"):
- createDir("templates")
- return ServerRef(
- address: address, port: port,
- server: newAsyncHttpServer()
- )
-proc loadtemplate*(name: string, json: JsonNode = %*{}): Future[string] {.async, inline.} =
- ## Loads HTML template from `templates` folder.
- ##
- ## Arguments:
- ## - ``name`` - template's name, e.g. "index", "api", etc.
- ## - ``json`` - Json data, which replaces in the template.
- var
- file = openAsync(("templates" / name) & ".html")
- readed = await file.readAll()
- file.close()
- for key, value in json.pairs:
- let
- # if statment, e.g.: if $(variable) {......}
- if_stmt = re("if\\s*(\\$\\(" & key & "\\))\\s*\\{\\s*([\\s\\S]+?)\\s*\\}")
- # variable statment, e.g.: $(variable)
- variable_stmt = re("(\\$\\s*\\(" & key & "\\))")
- if readed.contains(if_stmt):
- var canplace: bool = false
- case value.kind:
- of JBool:
- if value.getBool:
- canplace = true
- of JInt:
- if value.getInt != 0:
- canplace = true
- of JFloat:
- if value.getFloat != 0.0:
- canplace = true
- of JString:
- if value.getStr.len > 0:
- canplace = true
- of JArray:
- if value.len > 0:
- canplace = true
- of JObject:
- if value.getFields.len > 0:
- canplace = true
- else: discard
- if canplace:
- readed = readed.replacef(if_stmt, "$2")
- else:
- readed = readed.replacef(if_stmt, "")
- readed = readed.replacef(variable_stmt, $value)
- return readed
-proc parseQuery*(request: Request): Future[JsonNode] {.async.} =
- ## Decodes query.
- ## e.g.:
- ## "a=5&b=10" -> {"a": "5", "b": "10"}
- ##
- ## This also have debug output, if AKANE_DEBUG_MODE is true.
- var data = request.url.query.split("&")
- result = %*{}
- for i in data:
- let timed = i.split("=")
- if timed.len > 1:
- result[decodeUrl(timed[0])] = %decodeUrl(timed[1])
- let
- now = times.local(times.getTime())
- timed_month = ord(now.month)
- month = if timed_month > 9: $timed_month else: "0" & $timed_month
- day = if now.monthday > 9: $now.monthday else: "0" & $now.monthday
- hour = if now.hour > 9: $now.hour else: "0" & $now.hour
- minute = if now.minute > 9: $now.minute else: "0" & $now.minute
- second = if now.second > 9: $now.second else: "0" & $now.second
- host =
- if request.headers.hasKey("host") and request.headers["host"].len > 1:
- request.headers["host"] & " "
- else:
- "new "
- echo(
- host, request.reqMethod,
- " at ", now.year, ".", month, ".", day,
- " ", hour, ":", minute, ":", second,
- " Request from ", request.hostname,
- " to url \"", decodeUrl(request.url.path), "\".")
-macro pages*(server: ServerRef, body: untyped): untyped =
- ## This macro provides convenient page adding.
- ##
- ## `body` should be StmtList.
- ## page type can be:
- ## - ``equals``
- ## - ``startswith``
- ## - ``endswith``
- ## - ``regex``
- ## - ``notfound`` - this page uses without URL argument.
- ##
- ## ..code-block::Nim
- ## server.pages:
- ## equals("/home"):
- ## echo url
- ## echo urlParams
- var
- stmtlist = newStmtList()
- notfound_declaration = false
- stmtlist.add(
- newNimNode(nnkLetSection).add( # let urlParams: JsonNode = await parseQuery(request)
- newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs).add(
- ident("urlParams"),
- ident("JsonNode"),
- newCall(
- "await",
- newCall(
- "parseQuery",
- ident("request")
- )
- )
- )
- ),
- newNimNode(nnkLetSection).add( # let decode_url: string = decodeUrl(request.url.path)
- newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs).add(
- ident("decoded_url"),
- ident("string"),
- newCall(
- "decodeUrl",
- newNimNode(nnkDotExpr).add(
- newNimNode(nnkDotExpr).add(
- ident("request"), ident("url")
- ),
- ident("path")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- stmtlist.add(newNimNode(nnkIfStmt))
- var ifstmtlist = stmtlist[2]
- for i in body: # for each page in statment list.
- let
- current = $i[0]
- path = if i.len == 3: i[1] else: newEmptyNode()
- slist = if i.len == 3: i[2] else: i[1]
- if (i.kind == nnkCall and i[0].kind == nnkIdent and
- (path.kind == nnkStrLit or path.kind == nnkCallStrLit or path.kind == nnkEmpty) and
- slist.kind == nnkStmtList):
- if current == "equals":
- slist.insert(0, # let url: string = `path`
- newNimNode(nnkLetSection).add(
- newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs).add(
- ident("url"),
- ident("string"),
- path
- )
- )
- )
- ifstmtlist.add( # request.path.url == i[1]
- newNimNode(nnkElifBranch).add(
- newCall("==", path, ident("decoded_url")),
- slist))
- elif current == "startswith":
- slist.insert(0, # let url = decoded_url[`path`.len..^1]
- newNimNode(nnkLetSection).add(
- newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs).add(
- ident("url"),
- ident("string"),
- newCall(
- "[]",
- ident("decoded_url"),
- newCall(
- "..^",
- newCall("len", path),
- newLit(1))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ifstmtlist.add( # decode_url.startsWith(`path`)
- newNimNode(nnkElifBranch).add(
- newCall(
- "startsWith",
- ident("decoded_url"),
- path),
- slist))
- elif current == "endswith":
- slist.insert(0, # let url: string = decoded_url[0..^`path`.len]
- newNimNode(nnkLetSection).add(
- newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs).add(
- ident("url"),
- ident("string"),
- newCall(
- "[]",
- ident("decoded_url"),
- newCall(
- "..^",
- newLit(0),
- newCall("+", newLit(1), newCall("len", path))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ifstmtlist.add( # decode_url.endsWith(`path`)
- newNimNode(nnkElifBranch).add(
- newCall(
- "endsWith",
- ident("decoded_url"),
- path),
- slist))
- elif current == "regex":
- slist.insert(0, # discard match(decoded_url, `path`, url)
- newNimNode(nnkDiscardStmt).add(
- newCall("match", ident("decoded_url"), path, ident("url"))
- )
- )
- slist.insert(0, # var url: array[20, string]
- newNimNode(nnkVarSection).add(
- newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs).add(
- ident("url"),
- newNimNode(nnkBracketExpr).add(
- ident("array"), newLit(20), ident("string")
- ),
- newEmptyNode()
- )
- ))
- ifstmtlist.add( # decode_url.match(`path`)
- newNimNode(nnkElifBranch).add(
- newCall("match", ident("decoded_url"), path),
- slist))
- elif current == "notfound":
- notfound_declaration = true
- ifstmtlist.add(newNimNode(nnkElse).add(slist))
- if not notfound_declaration:
- ifstmtlist.add(
- newNimNode(nnkElse).add(
- newCall( # await request.respond(Http404, "Not found")
- "await",
- newCall(
- "respond",
- ident("request"),
- ident("Http404"),
- newLit("Not found"))
- )
- )
- )
- result = newNimNode(nnkProcDef).add(
- ident("receivepages"), # procedure name.
- newEmptyNode(), # for template and macros
- newEmptyNode(), # generics
- newNimNode(nnkFormalParams).add( # proc params
- newEmptyNode(), # return type
- newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs).add( # param
- ident("request"), # param name
- ident("Request"), # param type
- newEmptyNode() # param default value
- )
- ),
- newNimNode(nnkPragma).add( # pragma declaration
- ident("async"),
- ident("gcsafe")
- ),
- newEmptyNode(),
- stmtlist)
-macro answer*(request, message: untyped, http_code = Http200): untyped =
- ## Responds from server with utf-8.
- ##
- ## Translates to:
- ## await request.respond(Http200, "<head><meta charset='utf-8'></head>" & message)
- result = newCall(
- "respond",
- request,
- http_code,
- newCall("&", newLit("<head><meta charset='utf-8'></head>"), message)
- )
-macro error*(request, message: untyped, http_code = Http404): untyped =
- ## Responds from server with utf-8.
- ##
- ## Translates to:
- ## await request.respond(Http404, "<head><meta charset='utf-8'></head>" & message)
- result = newCall(
- "respond",
- request,
- http_code,
- newCall("&", newLit("<head><meta charset='utf-8'></head>"), message)
- )
-macro start*(server: ServerRef): untyped =
- ## Starts server.
- result = quote do:
- echo "Server starts on http://", `server`.address, ":", `server`.port
- waitFor `server`.server.serve(Port(`server`.port), receivepages)