@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import
json, # urlParams
uri, # decodeUrl
- std/sha1, # sha1 passwords.
re # regex
@@ -29,6 +28,10 @@ export
+when defined(tools):
+ import
+ std/sha1, # sha1 passwords.
when defined(debug):
import logging
@@ -66,8 +69,15 @@ type
- AnyHttpMethod* = [HttpHead, HttpGet, HttpPost, HttpPut, HttpDelete, HttpTrace, HttpOptions, HttpConnect, HttpPatch]
- BaseHttpMethod* = [HttpHead, HttpGet, HttpPost, HttpPut, HttpDelete]
+ AnyHttpMethod* = [
+ HttpHead, HttpGet, HttpPost, HttpPut,
+ HttpDelete, HttpTrace, HttpOptions,
+ HttpConnect, HttpPatch
+ ]
+ BaseHttpMethod* = [
+ HttpHead, HttpGet, HttpPost,
+ HttpPut, HttpDelete
+ ]
# ---------- PRIVATE ---------- #
@@ -122,13 +132,13 @@ proc loadtemplate*(name: string, json: JsonNode = %*{}): Future[string] {.async,
for key, value in json.pairs:
# ---- regex patterns ---- #
- # variable statement, e.g.: $(variable)
+ # variable statement, e.g.: @(variable)
variable_stmt = re("(@" & key & ")")
- # if statement, e.g.: if $(variable) {......}
+ # if statement, e.g.: if @(variable) {......}
if_stmt = re("if\\s*(@" & key & ")\\s*\\{\\s*([\\s\\S]+?)\\s*\\}")
- # if not statement, e.g.: if not $(variable) {......}
+ # if not statement, e.g.: if not @(variable) {......}
if_notstmt = re("if\\s*not\\s*(@" & key & ")\\s*\\{\\s*([\\s\\S]+?)\\s*\\}")
- # for statement, e.g.: for i in 0..$(variable) {hello, $variable[i]}
+ # for statement, e.g.: for i in 0..@(variable) {hello, $variable[i]}
forstmt = re(
"for\\s*([\\S]+)\\s*in\\s*(\\d+)\\.\\.(@" & key & ")\\s*\\{\\s*([\\s\\S]+?)\\s*\\}")
@@ -194,27 +204,13 @@ proc parseQuery*(request: Request): Future[JsonNode] {.async.} =
request.headers["host"] & " "
"new "
- debug(host, request.reqMethod, " Request from ", request.hostname, " to url \"", decodeUrl(request.url.path), "\".")
+ debug(
+ host, request.reqMethod, " Request from ", request.hostname,
+ " to url \"", decodeUrl(request.url.path), "\"."
+ )
-proc password2hash*(password: string): Future[string] {.async, inline.} =
- ## Generates a sha1 from `password`.
- ##
- ## Arguments:
- ## - `password` is an user password.
- return $secureHash(password)
-proc validatePassword*(password, hashpassword: string): Future[bool] {.async, inline.} =
- ## Validates the password and returns true, if the password is valid.
- ##
- ## Arguments:
- ## - `password` is a got password from user input.
- ## - `hashpassword` is a response from `password2hash proc <#password2hash,string>`_
- return secureHash(password) == parseSecureHash(hashpassword)
proc newCookie*(server: ServerRef, key, value: string, domain = ""): HttpHeaders {.inline.} =
## Creates a new cookies
@@ -226,6 +222,27 @@ proc newCookie*(server: ServerRef, key, value: string, domain = ""): HttpHeaders
return newHttpHeaders([("Set-Cookie", setCookie(key, value, d, noName=true))])
+# ---------- Other tools ---------- #
+when defined(tools):
+ proc password2hash*(password: string): Future[string] {.async, inline.} =
+ ## Generates a sha1 from `password`.
+ ##
+ ## Arguments:
+ ## - `password` is an user password.
+ return $secureHash(password)
+ proc validatePassword*(password, hashpassword: string): Future[bool] {.async, inline.} =
+ ## Validates the password and returns true, if the password is valid.
+ ##
+ ## Arguments:
+ ## - `password` is a got password from user input.
+ ## - `hashpassword` is a response from `password2hash proc <#password2hash,string>`_
+ return secureHash(password) == parseSecureHash(hashpassword)
+# ---------- Macros ---------- #
macro pages*(server: ServerRef, body: untyped): untyped =
## This macro provides convenient page adding.
@@ -342,8 +359,10 @@ macro pages*(server: ServerRef, body: untyped): untyped =
ifstmtlist.add( # decoded_url == `path`
- newCall("and", newCall("==", path, ident("decoded_url")), newCall("contains", reqmethods, newDotExpr(ident"request", ident"reqMethod"))),
- slist
+ newCall(
+ "and", newCall("==", path, ident("decoded_url")),
+ newCall("contains", reqmethods, newDotExpr(ident"request", ident"reqMethod"))
+ ), slist
of "startswith":
@@ -355,10 +374,12 @@ macro pages*(server: ServerRef, body: untyped): untyped =
ifstmtlist.add( # decode_url.startsWith(`path`)
- newCall("and", newCall("startsWith", ident("decoded_url"), path), newCall("contains", reqmethods, newDotExpr(ident"request", ident"reqMethod"))),
- slist
- )
+ newCall(
+ "and", newCall("startsWith", ident("decoded_url"), path),
+ newCall("contains", reqmethods, newDotExpr(ident"request", ident"reqMethod"))
+ ), slist
+ )
of "endswith":
slist.insert(0, # let url: string = decoded_url[0..^`path`.len]
@@ -368,8 +389,10 @@ macro pages*(server: ServerRef, body: untyped): untyped =
ifstmtlist.add( # decode_url.endsWith(`path`)
- newCall("and", newCall("endsWith", ident("decoded_url"), path), newCall("contains", reqmethods, newDotExpr(ident"request", ident"reqMethod"))),
- slist
+ newCall(
+ "and", newCall("endsWith", ident("decoded_url"), path),
+ newCall("contains", reqmethods, newDotExpr(ident"request", ident"reqMethod"))
+ ), slist
of "regex":
@@ -390,8 +413,12 @@ macro pages*(server: ServerRef, body: untyped): untyped =
ifstmtlist.add( # decode_url.match(`path`)
- newCall("and", newCall("match", ident("decoded_url"), path), newCall("contains", reqmethods, newDotExpr(ident"request", ident"reqMethod"))),
- slist))
+ newCall(
+ "and", newCall("match", ident("decoded_url"), path),
+ newCall("contains", reqmethods, newDotExpr(ident"request", ident"reqMethod"))
+ ), slist
+ )
+ )
of "notfound":
notfound_declaration = true