# author: Ethosa # ----- CORE ----- # import asyncdispatch import asynchttpserver import macros # ----- SUPPORT ----- # import asyncfile # loadtemplate import strutils # startsWith, endsWith import strtabs import cookies import tables import times # for local() import json # urlParams import uri # decodeUrl import std/sha1 # sha1 passwords. import os import re # regex # ----- EXPORT ----- export asyncdispatch export asynchttpserver export strutils export cookies export strtabs export json export uri export re type ServerRef* = ref object port*: uint16 address*: string server*: AsyncHttpServer var AKANE_DEBUG_MODE*: bool = false ## change it with `newServer proc<#newServer,string,uint16,bool>`_ # ---------- PRIVATE ---------- # proc toStr(node: JsonNode): Future[string] {.async.} = if node.kind == JString: return node.getStr else: return $node # ---------- PUBLIC ---------- # proc newServer*(address: string = "", port: uint16 = 5000, debug: bool = false): ServerRef = ## Creates a new ServerRef object. ## ## Arguments: ## - ``address`` - server address, e.g. "" ## - ``port`` - server port, e.g. 5000 ## - ``debug`` - debug mode AKANE_DEBUG_MODE = debug if not existsDir("templates"): createDir("templates") if AKANE_DEBUG_MODE: echo "directory \"templates\" was created." return ServerRef( address: address, port: port, server: newAsyncHttpServer() ) proc loadtemplate*(name: string, json: JsonNode = %*{}): Future[string] {.async, inline.} = ## Loads HTML template from `templates` folder. ## ## Arguments: ## - ``name`` - template's name, e.g. "index", "api", etc. ## - ``json`` - Json data, which replaces in the template. ## ## Replaces: ## - @key -> value ## - if @key { ... } -> ... (if value is true) ## - if not @key { ... } -> ... (if value is false) ## - for i in 0..@key { ... } -> ........., etc ## - @key[0] -> key[0] var file = openAsync(("templates" / name) & ".html") readed = await file.readAll() file.close() for key, value in json.pairs: # ---- regex patterns ---- # let # variable statement, e.g.: $(variable) variable_stmt = re("(@" & key & ")") # if statement, e.g.: if $(variable) {......} if_stmt = re("if\\s*(@" & key & ")\\s*\\{\\s*([\\s\\S]+?)\\s*\\}") # if not statement, e.g.: if not $(variable) {......} if_notstmt = re("if\\s*not\\s*(@" & key & ")\\s*\\{\\s*([\\s\\S]+?)\\s*\\}") # for statement, e.g.: for i in 0..$(variable) {hello, $variable[i]} forstmt = re( "for\\s*([\\S]+)\\s*in\\s*(\\d+)\\.\\.(@" & key & ")\\s*\\{\\s*([\\s\\S]+?)\\s*\\}") var matches: array[20, string] now = 0 # ---- converts value to bool ---- # var value_bool = case value.kind: of JBool: value.getBool of JInt: value.getInt != 0 of JFloat: value.getFloat != 0.0 of JString: value.getStr.len > 0 of JArray: value.len > 0 of JObject: value.getFields.len > 0 else: false # ---- replace ----- # if readed.contains(if_stmt): if value_bool: readed = readed.replacef(if_stmt, "$2") else: readed = readed.replacef(if_stmt, "") if readed.contains(if_notstmt): if value_bool: readed = readed.replacef(if_notstmt, "") else: readed = readed.replacef(if_notstmt, "$2") while readed.contains(forstmt): let (start, stop) = readed.findBounds(forstmt, matches, now) elem = re("(" & key & "\\[" & matches[0] & "\\])") var output = "" for i in parseInt(matches[1]).. {"a": "5", "b": "10"} ## ## This also have debug output, if AKANE_DEBUG_MODE is true. var data = request.url.query.split("&") result = %*{} for i in data: let timed = i.split("=") if timed.len > 1: result[decodeUrl(timed[0])] = %decodeUrl(timed[1]) if AKANE_DEBUG_MODE: let now = times.local(times.getTime()) timed_month = ord(now.month) month = if timed_month > 9: $timed_month else: "0" & $timed_month day = if now.monthday > 9: $now.monthday else: "0" & $now.monthday hour = if now.hour > 9: $now.hour else: "0" & $now.hour minute = if now.minute > 9: $now.minute else: "0" & $now.minute second = if now.second > 9: $now.second else: "0" & $now.second host = if request.headers.hasKey("host") and request.headers["host"].len > 1: request.headers["host"] & " " else: "new " echo( host, request.reqMethod, " at ", now.year, ".", month, ".", day, " ", hour, ":", minute, ":", second, " Request from ", request.hostname, " to url \"", decodeUrl(request.url.path), "\".") echo request proc password2hash*(password: string): Future[string] {.async, inline.} = ## Generates a sha1 from `password`. ## ## Arguments: ## - ``password`` - user password. return $secureHash(password) proc validatePassword*(password, hashpassword: string): Future[bool] {.async, inline.} = ## Validates the password and returns true, if the password is valid. ## ## Arguments: ## - ``password`` - got password from user input. ## - ``hashpassword`` - response from `password2hash proc <#password2hash,string>`_ return secureHash(password) == parseSecureHash(hashpassword) proc newCookie*(server: ServerRef, key, value: string, domain = ""): HttpHeaders {.inline.} = ## Creates a new cookies let d = if domain != "": domain else: server.address return newHttpHeaders([("Set-Cookie", setCookie(key, value, d, noName=true))]) macro pages*(server: ServerRef, body: untyped): untyped = ## This macro provides convenient page adding. ## ## `body` should be StmtList. ## page type can be: ## - ``equals`` ## - ``startswith`` ## - ``endswith`` ## - ``regex`` ## - ``notfound`` - this page uses without URL argument. ## ## When a new request to the server is received, variables are automatically created: ## - ``request`` - new Request. ## - ``url`` - matched URL. ## - ``equals`` - URL is request.url.path ## - ``startswith`` - URL is text after `startswith`. ## - ``endswith`` - URL is text before `endswith`. ## - ``regex`` - URL is matched text. ## - ``notfound`` - `url` param not created. ## - ``urlParams`` - query URL (in JSON). ## - ``decoded_url`` - URL always is request.url.path ## - ``cookies`` - StringTable of cookies. # ------ EXAMPLES ------ # runnableExamples: let server = newServer(debug=true) server.pages: equals("/home"): echo url echo urlParams await request.answer("Home") # You can also not write `equals("/")`: "/helloworld": await request.answer("Hello, world") # ------ CODE ------ # var stmtlist = newStmtList() notfound_declaration = false stmtlist.add( newNimNode(nnkLetSection).add( # let urlParams: JsonNode = await parseQuery(request) newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs).add( ident("urlParams"), ident("JsonNode"), newCall( "await", newCall("parseQuery", ident("request")) ) ), newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs).add( # let decode_url: string = decodeUrl(request.url.path) ident("decoded_url"), ident("string"), newCall( "decodeUrl", newNimNode(nnkDotExpr).add( newNimNode(nnkDotExpr).add( ident("request"), ident("url") ), ident("path") ) ) ), newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs).add( # let cookies: string = parseCookies(request.headers.cookie) ident("cookies"), ident("StringTableRef"), newNimNode(nnkIfExpr).add( newNimNode(nnkElifExpr).add( newCall("hasKey", newNimNode(nnkDotExpr).add(ident("request"), ident("headers")), newLit("cookie")), newCall( "parseCookies", newCall( "[]", newNimNode(nnkDotExpr).add( ident("request"), ident("headers") ), newLit("cookie") ) ) ), newNimNode(nnkElseExpr).add( newCall("newStringTable", ident("modeCaseSensitive")) ) ) ) ) ) stmtlist.add(newNimNode(nnkIfStmt)) var ifstmtlist = stmtlist[1] for i in body: # for each page in statment list. let current = if i.len == 3: $i[0] else: "equals" path = if i.len == 3: i[1] else: i[0] slist = if i.len == 3: i[2] else: i[1] if (i.kind == nnkCall and (path.kind == nnkStrLit or path.kind == nnkCallStrLit or path.kind == nnkEmpty) and slist.kind == nnkStmtList): if current == "equals": slist.insert(0, # let url: string = `path` newNimNode(nnkLetSection).add( newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs).add( ident("url"), ident("string"), path ) ) ) ifstmtlist.add( # decoded_url == `path` newNimNode(nnkElifBranch).add( newCall("==", path, ident("decoded_url")), slist ) ) elif current == "startswith": slist.insert(0, # let url = decoded_url[`path`.len..^1] newNimNode(nnkLetSection).add( newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs).add( ident("url"), ident("string"), newCall( "[]", ident("decoded_url"), newCall("..^", newCall("len", path), newLit(1)) ) ) ) ) ifstmtlist.add( # decode_url.startsWith(`path`) newNimNode(nnkElifBranch).add( newCall("startsWith", ident("decoded_url"), path), slist ) ) elif current == "endswith": slist.insert(0, # let url: string = decoded_url[0..^`path`.len] newNimNode(nnkLetSection).add( newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs).add( ident("url"), ident("string"), newCall( "[]", ident("decoded_url"), newCall( "..^", newLit(0), newCall("+", newLit(1), newCall("len", path)) ) ) ) ) ) ifstmtlist.add( # decode_url.endsWith(`path`) newNimNode(nnkElifBranch).add( newCall("endsWith", ident("decoded_url"), path), slist ) ) elif current == "regex": slist.insert(0, # discard match(decoded_url, `path`, url) newNimNode(nnkDiscardStmt).add( newCall("match", ident("decoded_url"), path, ident("url")) ) ) slist.insert(0, # var url: array[20, string] newNimNode(nnkVarSection).add( newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs).add( ident("url"), newNimNode(nnkBracketExpr).add( ident("array"), newLit(20), ident("string") ), newEmptyNode() ) )) ifstmtlist.add( # decode_url.match(`path`) newNimNode(nnkElifBranch).add( newCall("match", ident("decoded_url"), path), slist)) elif current == "notfound": notfound_declaration = true ifstmtlist.add(newNimNode(nnkElse).add(slist)) if not notfound_declaration: ifstmtlist.add( newNimNode(nnkElse).add( newCall( # await request.respond(Http404, "Not found") "await", newCall("respond", ident("request"), ident("Http404"), newLit("Not found")) ) ) ) result = newNimNode(nnkProcDef).add( ident("receivepages"), # procedure name. newEmptyNode(), # for template and macros newEmptyNode(), # generics newNimNode(nnkFormalParams).add( # proc params newEmptyNode(), # return type newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs).add( # param ident("request"), # param name ident("Request"), # param type newEmptyNode() # param default value ) ), newNimNode(nnkPragma).add( # pragma declaration ident("async"), ident("gcsafe") ), newEmptyNode(), stmtlist) macro answer*(request, message: untyped, http_code = Http200, headers: HttpHeaders = newHttpHeaders()): untyped = ## Responds from server with utf-8. ## ## Translates to: ## request.respond(Http200, "" & message) result = newCall( "respond", request, http_code, newCall("&", newLit(""), message), headers ) macro error*(request, message: untyped, http_code = Http404, headers: HttpHeaders = newHttpHeaders()): untyped = ## Responds from server with utf-8. ## ## Translates to: ## request.respond(Http404, "" & message) result = newCall( "respond", request, http_code, newCall("&", newLit(""), message), headers ) macro sendJson*(request, message: untyped, http_code = Http200): untyped = ## Sends JsonNode with "Content-Type": "application/json" in headers. ## ## Translates to: ## request.respond( ## Http200, ## $message, ## newHttpHeaders([("Content-Type","application/json")])) result = newCall( "respond", request, http_code, newCall("$", message), newCall( "newHttpHeaders", newNimNode(nnkBracket).add( newNimNode(nnkPar).add( newLit("Content-Type"), newLit("application/json") ) ) ) ) macro start*(server: ServerRef): untyped = ## Starts server. result = quote do: if AKANE_DEBUG_MODE: echo "Server starts on http://", `server`.address, ":", `server`.port waitFor `server`.server.serve(Port(`server`.port), receivepages, `server`.address)