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Welcome to your server-side syntax highlighting solution! If you're interested in contributing to the project, here are a few things to keep in mind!

Language Definitions + Styles

We do not accept PRs with new or updated language definitions or stylesheets. These should be contributed to the highlight.js project instead. The process of maintaining styles and transforming language definitions is completely automated and left up to project maintainers to run whenever a new version of highlight.js is released.

Updates from highlight.js

If you'd like to make a PR containing behavior changes made in the highlight.js project, please make sure you link to the appropriate highlight.js commits and change logs. Because this project is a direct port, we need do our best to keep the behavior as identical as possible.

PRs reflecting changes made in highlight.js should only be made after highlight.js has had a release tagged with those changes. This project will always push out updates after highlight.js releases.

We make no guarantees that the latest master highlight.php will be compatible with the latest master version of highlight.js.

Project structure

The project contains the following folders:

  1. Highlight
  2. styles
  3. demo
  4. test
  5. tools


This folder contains the main source and the following files (classes):

Highlight.php (Highlight)

This is the one that does the highlighting for you and the one you'll probably look for.

Language.php (Language)

Auxiliary class used in the Highlight class. Instances of these classes represent the rather complex structures of regular expressions needed to scan through programming code in order to highlight them.

You don't need this class.

JsonRef.php (JsonRef)

Auxiliary class to decode JSON files containing path-based references. The language definition data from highlight.js is too complex to be described in ordinary JSON files. Therefore it was chosen to use dojox.json.ref to export them. This class is able (to a very limited extend) to decode JSON data that was created with this dojo toolkit.

This class has a very distinct purpose and might be useful in other projects as well (and might be a good starting point for a new project ;) ).

Autoloader.php (Autoloader)

A simple autoloader class that you possible might want or more likely not want to use. It is used for the tools and tests.

the languages folder

This folder contains all language definitions: one JSON file for each language. These files are not hand coded but extracted from the original highlight.js project.


These are the the CSS files needed to actually color the code. Not much to say about: these are just copied from the highlight.js project.


This folder contains two demo pages that can be accessed through your browser.


A test page showing all supported languages and styles.


Much like demo.php but this page focuses on the comparison between highlight.php and highlight.js. Both should yield the same results.


This folder contains the unit test for highlight.php. To run them, run phpunit from this directory:

phpnunit .

Note that the following tests for highlight.js were not rewritten for highlight.php:

special explicitLanguage

Controlling language selection by setting an attribute to the containing <div> is irrelevant for highlight.php

special customMarkup

In highlight.js, code may contain additional HTML markup like in the following PHP fragment: $sum = <b>$a</b> + $b;. Currently this is not supported by highlight.php which can only highlight (unescaped) code. Also highlighting <br> (HTML break element) is not supported. highlight.php does however support tab replacement (which defaults to 4 spaces).

special noHighlight

There is no need to turn off highlighting through a class name on the code container.

special buildClassName

highlight.php does not modify class names of code containers.


A collection of scripts that are used to extract data from the original highlight.js project.

The process of bringing in languages from highlight.js has been put into a single script. This script requires that you have cURL, PHP, and node.js installed on your machine. This is only necessary if you'd like to update languages or bring in new languages, it's not required for using this library in your application.

cd tools