Simple usage
let my_server = newServer("", 8080) # starts server at my_sever.pages: "/": echo "Index page" await request.answer("Hello, world!") notfound: echo "oops :(" await request.error("404 Page not found.")
proc newServer(address: string = ""; port: uint16 = 5000): ServerRef {...}{. raises: [OSError, IOError], tags: [ReadDirEffect, WriteDirEffect].}
Creates a new ServerRef object.
- address - server address, e.g. ""
- port - server port, e.g. 5000
let server = newServer("", 5000)
proc loadtemplate(name: string; json: JsonNode = %*{}): Future[string] {...}{.inline, raises: [Exception, ValueError, FutureError], tags: [RootEffect].}
Loads HTML template from templates folder.
- name - template's name, e.g. "index", "api", etc.
- json - Json data, which replaces in the template.
- @key -> value
- if @key { ... } -> ... (if value is true)
- if not @key { ... } -> ... (if value is false)
- for i in 0..@key { ... } -> ........., etc
- @key[0] -> key[0]
let template = loadtemplate("index.html", %*{"a": 5})
proc parseQuery(request: Request): Future[JsonNode] {...}{. raises: [Exception, ValueError, FutureError], tags: [RootEffect].}
Decodes query.
- e.g.:
- "a=5&b=10" -> {"a": "5", "b": "10"}
This also have debug output, if compiled in debug mode.
proc password2hash(password: string): Future[string] {...}{.inline, raises: [Exception, ValueError, FutureError], tags: [RootEffect].}
Generates a sha1 from password.
- password is an user password.
proc validatePassword(password, hashpassword: string): Future[bool] {...}{.inline, raises: [Exception, ValueError, FutureError], tags: [RootEffect].}
Validates the password and returns true, if the password is valid.
- password is a got password from user input.
- hashpassword is a response from password2hash proc
proc newCookie(server: ServerRef; key, value: string; domain = ""): HttpHeaders {...}{.inline, raises: [KeyError], tags: [].}
Creates a new cookies
- key is a cookie key.
- value is a new cookie value.
- domain is a cookie doomain.
macro pages(server: ServerRef; body: untyped): untyped
This macro provides convenient page adding.
body should be StmtList. page type can be:
- equals
- startswith
- endswith
- regex - match url via regex.
- notfound - this page uses without URL argument.
When a new request to the server is received, variables are automatically created:
- request - new Request.
- url - matched URL.
- equals - URL is request.url.path
- startswith - URL is text after startswith.
- endswith - URL is text before endswith.
- regex - URL is matched text.
- notfound - url param not created.
- urlParams - query URL (in JSON).
- decoded_url - URL always is request.url.path
- cookies - StringTable of cookies.
let server = newServer() server.pages: equals("/home"): echo url echo urlParams await request.answer("Home") "/helloworld": await request.answer("Hello, world")
macro answer(request, message: untyped; http_code = Http200; headers: HttpHeaders = newHttpHeaders()): untyped
Responds from server with utf-8.
Translates to
request.respond(Http200, "<head><meta charset='utf-8'></head>" & message)
await request.answer("hello!")
macro error(request, message: untyped; http_code = Http404; headers: HttpHeaders = newHttpHeaders()): untyped
Responds from server with utf-8.
Translates to
request.respond(Http404, "<head><meta charset='utf-8'></head>" & message)
await request.error("Oops! :(")
macro sendJson(request, message: untyped; http_code = Http200): untyped
Sends JsonNode with "Content-Type": "application/json" in headers.
Translates to
request.respond(Http200, $message, newHttpHeaders([("Content-Type","application/json")]))
await request.sendJson(%{"response": "error", "msg": "oops :("})
macro start(server: ServerRef): untyped
Starts server.
let server = newServer() server.start()